Manual for the Marantz PMD740

I bought the Marantz PMD740, A 4 track 6 channel recorder in 1993, previously I had used 4 tracks in the 80s. I wanted to multitrack my recordings when and where I wished, as the mixing and recording deck in the university was always booked and we were limited to 1 or 2 hours a week. I could not work like that.

The Marantz I bought 2nd hand, and I used it a lot until 2006 when it doed a death by over use. The belt drive wore out. I used the deck recently as a 6 channel mixer until I bought the Tascam Model 24.

The manual has lots of useful tip and tricks and explain how to go about recording multiple instruments whether it is on a cassette (but the same applies today if using a SD card).

I wanted to put the manual online as it can aid someone who is just starting out.

Author: ethnopiper

A Ethnomusicologist, musician of traditional music "Ethnopiper", Performer of Electronic music "BusinessControlled"

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